International Journal of Creative Research and Studies

Volume 4 Issue 9, September-2020

Title: Understanding Resiliency to Appearance Dissatisfaction among Adult Women

Author: Pliner Chaiken & Revelle Rissman


In-depth interviews were conducted with 18 women between the ages of 22 and 68 years to explore women’s assessment of their appearance across age groups. The method utilized was narrative inquiry. The utilization of this method assisted in gathering rich data that was categorized into themes: (i) attitude and beliefs pertaining to appearance, (ii) centrality of appearance in their self-concept (appearance schema), (iii) aging and appearance concerns, (iv) appearance dissatisfaction, and (v) coping strategies engaged in to enhance or maintain appearance.

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Publisher:Knowledge-Ridge Publishers

Area/Scope:Business Economics and Management ;Social Science, Literature, Arts and Humanities; Engineering and Technology; Life Science and Physical Science; Health and Medical Science

Frequency: Monthly

Format:Online & Print


Review-Process:Double Blinded

Access: Open Access