International Journal of Creative Research and Studies

Volume 4 Issue 6, June-2020

Title: The Influence of Service Quality and Product Quality on Customer Loyalty with Customer Satisfaction as Mediating on the Purchase of Indonesian Navy Ships

Author: Riza Utama, Yuswar Zainul Basri & Haeba Ramli


This study aims to analyse whether customer satisfaction can mediate customer loyalty with several variables involved, including service quality and product quality. In domestic purchases of Indonesian Navy ships where these variables are explained in operational definitions, dimensions and measurement tools. Service quality and product quality to increase customer satisfaction which aims to increase customer loyalty in the Navy sector as a consumer in terms of procurement of new ships to support the increase in the strength of the Navy, product attributes, markets, technology, organizational structure and management characteristics made to achieve the company's long-term goals, has a very strong relationship with business strategy. The research method used in this study is the quantitative method and survey techniques. The number of samples needed in this study were 89 respondents given in the form of direct questionnaires and also through electronic media. Navy AL Responde...

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Publisher:Knowledge-Ridge Publishers

Area/Scope:Business Economics and Management ;Social Science, Literature, Arts and Humanities; Engineering and Technology; Life Science and Physical Science; Health and Medical Science

Frequency: Monthly

Format:Online & Print


Review-Process:Double Blinded

Access: Open Access